October 15, 2009
Fall colors
I love the colors of fall in Virginia but I sure hate to see the beautiful sunny days give way to overcast cold days. It is cold and raining here today but hopefully we will see the sunshine soon. I know, we need this rain for the flowers that are preparing for a beautiful show again this spring.
Strawflower Painting
The painting is finally finished.
Nov. 12, 1009 ... The painting is moving along but very slow since I only paint for 2 hrs. in class. I find that if I paint at home, I don't know when to stop. I am having a hard time learning how to paint with the water mixable oils. With a little patience and determination, I will get there.
Oct. 15, 2009 ... Just starting a painting from the strawflower photo. It's been 5 yrs. since I've painted and I feel like I'm having to learn all over again.
October 13, 2009
Gaura "Whirling Butterflies"
Christmas Cactus
When I noticed color in the buds of this Christmas Cactus, I knew it wouldn't be long before it would be blooming. I brought it from the basement about two weeks ago and put it near a bright window. The warmth has caused the blooms to open up and it is getting really pretty. Within another couple of weeks it will be in full bloom.
I keep my Christmas cactus on the deck where it only gets a little early morning sun. When the weather gets cool and the possibility of frost is near, the cactus begins to put out buds. I had been watching for the buds, but hadn't seen any until last week. It seens they appear within a week. I will bring it in soon and put it where it will get bright light and some sun. It blooms before Thanksgiving with two double peach colored blooms on every branch, so beautiful. After it blooms I will move it to the basement for the rest of the winter. This cactus is at least 15 yrs. old and is hugh. It roots easily in water, so I probably should start some new plants and eventually get rid of this one, but as long as it blooms I will keep it.

October 12, 2009
I love taking photos of cosmos. They are so pretty now. I am really enjoying them since so many perennials are no longer blooming. The bumblebees enjoy them as much as I do.
Blackeyed Susans
My husband planted tomatos in large barrels and made cages to go around them. They did really well considering there are deer in the woods close by that come up for a "snack". There are still green tomatos and blooms on them, but I don't think they will ripen now that it is cooler. We will probably pick them and let them ripen in the basement where the sun shines through the window, or we could have fried green tomatoes.
A Walk in the Woods
I love to walk through the woods and enjoy the solitude and watch the squirrels and birds. My only worry is deer ticks. Two friends have recently been diagnosed with Lymes Disease, which is not a fun disease. As I was walking along the edge of the woods, I noticed this pretty, very tiny, wild flower. The insects on it were even smaller. I didn't notice them until I enlarged the photo.
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