October 15, 2009

Strawflower Painting

The painting is finally finished.
Nov. 12, 1009 ... The painting is moving along but very slow since I only paint for 2 hrs. in class. I find that if I paint at home, I don't know when to stop. I am having a hard time learning how to paint with the water mixable oils. With a little patience and determination, I will get there.

Oct. 15, 2009 ... Just starting a painting from the strawflower photo. It's been 5 yrs. since I've painted and I feel like I'm having to learn all over again.

Original photo of a strawflower in my yard. I see where these flowers got their name. The new blooms feel like dried flowers. I was so pleased with how this photo turned out. It is going to be my next oil painting.

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